2009년 8월 24일 월요일

NYC Story ) Day 03

Resume :
View of gloomy sunrise from room

Union Square
I ate delicious brocoli/cheddar biscuit and pumpkin muffin at Union Squ. park and discovered my US bra size at American Eagle lol

Sixth Ave
My Dear Urban Outfitters !
It never disappoints me, how possible?
I hardly want one in Paris !!!!!!
I had a break at Starbucks next to Urban and I met this guy, Lonny, a movie writer as he said.
At the beginning we talked about my trip, Korea, Korean, Japan, America, American, Racism, Buying, his job, his movie, my next destination of the day and then, he proposed me to come to soho with me. (um...) Situation was pretty weird and a bit uncomfortable then i told him i'll continue by myself.(ouf)

We crossed christopher st., Washington Park (with Paris' Triumph Arc miniature version) and all these houses. I love this kind of simply chic architecture style and their colors.

Broadway, Soho

My picture of the day
Photo du jour
오늘의 사진

Opening Ceremony

Canal st.

댓글 3개:

Unknown :

OMG your pictures remind me of the lovely nyc / carrie of sex and the city... my friend got to paris safe yesterday... and u know what i'm trying to say ;)
Abercrombie? I ONLY love their models HAHAHAHA

Mlle B :

Wanna hear more about your friend! and you know what i'm trying to say... :)

HOTEL aime :

Il faut faire une pétition pour avoir un urban outfitter en France! Heureusement il y a l'eshop, mais bon il est beaucoup moins bien que l'américian.
Bisous Eun. Tes bijoux sont très jolie.